Make your move

I created this blog account about a month ago. I was starry eyed and had dreams of writing poignant scintillating articles that would move and inspire people. One month later exactly no blogs have been posted. What happened was the same thing that happened ed with every brand new notebook I’ve ever purchased. Writers block creeps in and the only time the voices in my head ever shut up is when I want to write down what they are saying.

Another thing I struggle with is depresdepression. It’s not the kind that makes you want to kill yourself. It’s the kind that quietly takes all joy and meaning out of your life. The kind that kills off all your motivation to pursue any of things on your growing list of things you really want to do. Why am I telling you this. I’m writing this down, one because mind has actually quited down enough to make this possible and , two because you have to start somewhere.

We all have a choice. We don’t have to be slaves to our excuses, our disabilities, or our circumstances. History is made of people that refused to accept the limitations they were handed and instead choose to stend up and persue their dreams. So thato what I’m doing and that’s what I’m going to continue to do. You have to start right where you are.
